Capesthorne Hall Classic Car Show – May 2019

As the Capesthorne Hall Classic show is a 2 day event, we chose to attend on the Sunday this year. It is a very popular show with car clubs, individual vehicles and classic bikes too, all set out on the front lawn by the lake in the superb grounds and featuring an exclusive display of Jaguars in front of the Hall.

We set up the event shelter just in time and had the cars in place just as heavy rain set in for the morning, but as ever undeterred Jean still made her wonderful bacon and sausage muffins under the shelter of large umbrellas! We were situated close to the arena and so had a good view of events as the morning progressed.

By lunchtime the rain stopped, the clouds blew away to reveal strong sunshine and it became very warm. The cars were all dried off and we had a super shiny display of 8 cars: Tony’s silver Mk3, Danos’ Sonic
Shadow, my azure blue Mk2, Janet’s Red Mk2, Mags’ white Mk2,
Dave’s silver Mk3, Jean’s blue Mk2 and Mark’s red Mk2 Turbo.

As this was only the second time out for my blue Mk2, I was pleased to enter into the year category of post-1990s class and was delighted to
be presented with the Gold Award in this section. This automatically gained me entry into the Car of the Show category, in which I was thrilled to be presented with the Silver Award and to make the day complete we were also was awarded with Best Club Stand Display!

All in all it turned out to be a glorious day.

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