North Region meet – May 2018

The North Region met as usual at the Manor Golf Club near Bradford for lunch.  Five members attended, although Mags unfortunately was unable to join us due to illness.  We all hope she recovers quickly and everyone sends her our best wishes. Discussions took place around forthcoming events.  There will…

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North West Region meet – April 2018

It was a sunny but chilly Easter Sunday and as we gathered on the car park of the Riverside Inn at Acton Bridge near Warrington.  We shivered as we chatted prior to the doors opening. The Riverside is such a popular place to eat, so a large queue began to…

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North West Region meet – March 2018

Since we last held our Sunday Lunch at the Barn Owl a couple of years ago, they have built a bright terrace extension onto the building, just perfect for us as it accommodates approximately 30 diners in a bright private area.   There we had the choice of a wide…

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